var msg = {}; msg[''] = 'SciCloud'; msg['jsLang.pleaseChooseFile'] = 'Please select a file'; msg['jsLang.pleaseChoosePerson'] = 'Please select a personnel'; msg['jsLang.pleaseChooseOperation'] = 'Required Operation'; msg['jsLang.pleaseSelectType'] = 'Please select the type of attachment'; msg['jsLang.confirmSubmit'] = 'Confirm Submit?'; msg['jsLang.confirmForbid'] = 'Confirm forbid this account?'; msg['jsLang.confirmActive'] = 'Confirm Enable this account?'; msg['jsLang.confirmSubmit'] = 'Confirm Submit?'; msg['jsLang.confirmDelete'] = 'Confirm Delete?'; msg['jsLang.add'] = 'Add'; msg['jsLang.updateFailed'] = 'Update failed'; msg['jsLang.unUploadFile'] = 'Not upload files'; msg['jsLang.showRoleList'] = 'Display the list of roles'; msg['jsLang.hideRoleList'] = 'Hid the list of roles'; msg['jsLang.confirmDeleteDraft'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this manuscript?'; msg['jsLang.confirmDeleteDraftTitle'] = 'Delete manuscript?'; msg['jsLang.confirmDeleteMail'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this mail?'; msg['jsLang.confirmDeleteMailTitle'] = 'Delete mail?'; msg['jsLang.confirmDeleteAllMail'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete all the mail in the list?'; msg['jsLang.confirmDeleteAuthor'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this author?'; msg['jsLang.confirmDeleteReviewer'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this reviewer?'; msg['jsLang.confirmDeleteEditor'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this editor?'; msg['jsLang.confirmDeleteFile'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this file?'; msg['jsLang.confirmSubmitDoc'] = 'Are you sure you want to submit this manuscript?'; msg['jsLang.pleaseEnterComplaint'] = 'Please enter the reason for the complaint!'; msg['jsLang.noSubmittedManuscript'] = 'Not upload manuscript!'; msg['jsLang.reviewerSubmitConfirm'] = 'Are you ready to submit this review?'; msg['jsLang.reviewerSubmit'] = 'Submit review'; msg['jsLang.reviewerSubmitError'] = 'Failed to submit. Please enter required items before submitting.'; msg['jsLang.selectConfirm'] = 'You choose the'; msg['jsLang.pleaseConfirm'] = 'please confirm'; msg['jsLang.pleaseConfirmSelect'] = '. Please confirm your choose.'; msg['jsLang.mergeSuccess'] = 'Merged successfully!'; msg['jsLang.close'] = 'Close'; msg[''] = 'No'; msg['jsLang.yes'] = 'Yes'; msg['jsLang.refuse'] = 'Refuse'; msg['jsLang.unavailable'] = 'Network unavailable'; msg['jsLang.unavailableRev'] = 'unavailable'; msg['jsLang.confirm'] = 'Confirm'; msg['jsLang.cancel'] = 'Cancel'; msg['jsLang.delete'] = 'Delete'; msg['jsLang.showFullList'] = 'Show Full List'; msg['jsLang.hideFullList'] = 'Hide Full List'; msg['jsLang.ajaxError'] = 'Error!'; msg['jsLang.sendMailFail'] = 'Failed to send mail!'; msg['jsLang.userAdd'] = 'Are you sure you want to create this user?'; msg['jsLang.userEdit'] = 'Are you sure you want to update user information?'; msg['jsLang.chooseModify'] = 'Please select the data to be modified'; msg['jsLang.chooseDelete'] = 'Please select the data to be delete'; msg['jsLang.updateDefaultRole'] = 'Are you sure you want to save Default Role?'; msg['jsLang.processingFailedConfirm'] = 'The processing is failed, please try to refresh the current page'; msg['jsLang.warning'] = 'Warning'; msg['jsLang.broadcastMail'] = 'BroadcastMaill is underway! Please try to view the results in Mail history page!'; msg['jsLang.atLeastChoose'] = 'Please select at least one record!'; msg['jsLang.broadcastMailFailed'] = 'BroadcastMail Failed!'; msg['jsLang.proxy.enter.failed'] = 'enter proxy failed'; msg['jsLang.proxy.exit.failed'] = 'exit proxy failed'; msg[''] = 'You must enter the username'; msg['jsLang.login.password.require'] = 'You must enter the password'; msg['jsLang.login.completeInfoTips'] = 'Please modify your account information and complete your personal and company information. Incomplete information may affect the subsequent review process.'; msg['jsLang.login.bindWXTips'] = 'You can bind WeChat in the user menu in the upper right corner to log in to SciCloud through WeChat.'; msg['jsLang.addAuthor.exist'] = 'The author in the list has already been registered with the mailbox'; msg['jsLang.rejectMission'] = 'Confirm Reject?'; msg['jsLang.submited'] = 'Has been submitted'; msg['jsLang.addSamePerson'] = 'Not allowed to add the same person!'; msg['jsLang.selectPersonFromSelect'] = 'Please select a person in the system'; msg['jsLang.inputVaildWork'] = 'Please enter valid keyword'; msg['msg.mailTemplate.choose'] = 'Please select a mail template.'; msg['msg.mailTemplate.delete'] = 'Confirm delete this mail template?'; msg['msg.mailTemplate.deleteFile'] = 'Confirm delete this file?'; msg['msg.mailTemplate.confirm'] = 'Confirm'; msg['msg.mailTemplate.cancel'] = 'Cancel'; msg['msg.mailTemplate.title'] = 'Reminder'; msg['msg.mailTemplate.ajaxError'] = 'Error!'; msg['msg.mailTemplate.deleteBtn'] = 'Delete'; msg['info.waiting'] = 'Processing, please wait...'; msg['jsLang.chooseAdd'] = 'Please select the data to be added'; msg[''] = 'The data is already exists, please add others again'; msg['jsLang.waitingResult'] = 'The request has been submitted. Please refresh the screen later to see the result.'; msg['jsLang.userCreateWarning'] = 'Please complete all the necessary items in current page'; msg['com.neusoft.webapp.validation.Items.Max.message'] = 'Max {0} number'; msg['jsLang.block.warning'] = 'The pop-up window has been blocked by the browser. Please click the Settings on the right side of the browser address bar to allow the pop-up window of this website.'; msg['jsLang.uploadTypesetFile'] = 'Please upload the typesetting file.'; msg['jsLang.uploadProofFile'] = 'Please upload the proof file.'; msg['jsLang.uploadCopyrightFile'] = 'Please upload the copyright file.'; msg['jsLang.readMore'] = 'Read More...'; msg['jsLang.less'] = 'Less'; msg['jsLang.cancelOrder'] = 'Do you want to cancel the order?'; msg['jsLang.refundOrder'] = 'Do you want to refund the order?'; msg['jsLang.completeOrder'] = 'Do you want to close the order?'; msg['jsLang.auditInvoice'] = 'Do you want to set it as invoiced?'; msg['jsLang.confirm.transAccept'] = 'Agree to transfer to this publication?'; msg['jsLang.confirm.transReject'] = 'Declined to transfer to this publication?'; msg['order.invoice.headerMust'] = 'Please input taxpayer Header'; msg['order.invoice.taxNumberMust'] = 'Please input taxpayer Number'; msg['order.invoice.addressMust'] = 'Please input address'; msg['order.invoice.telMust'] = 'Please input tel'; msg['order.invoice.mailMust'] = 'Please input e-mail'; msg['order.invoice.bankNameMust'] = 'Please input bank name'; msg['order.invoice.bankAccountMust'] = 'Please input bank account'; msg['order.invoice.contentMust'] = 'Please input name of goods or taxable services'; msg['jsLang.metaparse.confirm'] = 'Title, abstract, keywords and reference information will be extracted from the paper, and the manuscript sheet will be filled out automatically. Autofill does not overwrite what has been entered. '; msg['jsLang.metaparse.success'] = '元数据抽取成功'; msg['jsLang.metaparse.failed'] = '元数据抽取失败'; msg['jsLang.userAdd.forceChangePwd'] = 'Please edit your default password.'; msg['jsLang.userAdd.newCreatePwd'] = 'Default password:'; msg['jsLang.userAdd.newCreatePwd2'] = ''; msg['jsLang.userAdd.newCreatePwd3'] = ''; msg['jsLang.userAdd.newCreateUser'] = 'Your user name is:'; msg['jsLang.operateSuccess'] = 'Operate success'; msg[''] = 'Report:'; msg['jsLang.imageCheck.norepeat'] = 'No duplicate parts detected.'; msg['jsLang.imageCheck.delete'] = 'delete'; msg['jsLang.step2.speciality.comment'] = 'Please enter your field of speciality'; msg['jsLang.step2.speciality.comment.en'] = 'Please enter the English language for your field of speciality'; msg['jsLang.doc.step2.speciality'] = 'Speciality'; msg['jsLang.doc.step2.speciality.en'] = 'English Speciality Name '; msg[''] = 'Email address cannot be empty'; msg[''] = 'Send code'; msg['jsLang.issueLimitRemind'] = 'The number of articles included in this issue has reached the planned upper limit. Do you still want to allocate them?'; msg['jsLang.issueNotAssign'] = 'Please allocate the issue in the manuscript details before hiring the manuscript'; msg['jsLang.submitToSciDb.confirm'] = 'Whether to create data sets in SciDB?';