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Core functions

SciCloud is a service-based submission and review system for scientific and technological journals. Users are authors, editors, reviewers, etc. Authors may submit and revise manuscript files and data. Editors can conduct review, submission and final review. Reviewers can accept or reject the review, and submit review comments.


1 . It integrates the AI writing intelligent detection function, which can automatically and efficiently analyze the quality of manuscripts, quickly identify the suspicion of AI-generated content in each paragraph of the paper , and provide a variety of reports such as concise version and detailed version , comprehensively improving the journal's ability to identify AI-generated content in academic publishing .

2.WeChat applet and mobile phone message reminder function. Through the SciCloud WeChat applet, authors, editorial board members, reviewers and editors can realize synchronous use of the mobile terminal after logging in to the bound journal; by following the SciCloud WeChat official account, they can receive manuscript status information and message reminders in real time.


3.Automatic plagiarism check for academic content Integrates CrossCheck and "CNKI Academic Misconduct Document Detection Tool" to help journal editors complete the one-stop detection of Chinese and English academic content. Record the IP address of the contributor, conduct multiple submission detection in the system, check the agency's contribution, integrate cRedit author contribution role classification, and clarify the author's contribution. At the same time, it supports the FigCheck image plagiarism checking system to check the image for plagiarism.

4.The function of automatically recommending reviewers. Integrating databases such as CSCD, and by associating paper topics with subject semantics, can help editors match suitable reviewers more accurately and quickly.

5.Fee payment function module. Through this function, the journal can enable authors to pay online for review fees, evaluation fees, manuscript processing fees, royalties, etc. It supports WeChat, Alipay, PayPal, etc., and automatically connects to the invoice system to issue invoices online. The system realizes an integrated process from submission, review, online payment, and online invoice issuance.

6.One- click manuscript transfer . One-click manuscript transfer to other protocol journals under the SciCloud platform . With the author's consent, the protocol journal can refer to the original journal's review comments on the manuscript and accept or send it for review.

7.You can obtain submissions from preprint platforms such as ArXiv , SciPrePrint and ChinaXi v , submit data to the ScienceDB paper linked data platform in one stop, configure the roles of editor-in- chief , executive editor, assistant editor and administrator to perform permission management, and connect with the ORCID platform. Authors and collaborators can automatically display their ORCID accounts.

8.Detailed fixed reports and visual custom report tools, such as statistics of manuscripts by country or region, also support the export of manuscript review reports , review opinion sheets, manuscript fee statistics tables, manuscript fee settlement tables, AI duplicate checking statistics tables and other reports to meet the editor's analysis needs for manuscripts.

If you encounter any problems while using the SciCloud platform, please contact the platform administrator or scan the QR code "SciEngine Platform Customer Service" WeChat official account, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible for feedback.


E-mail: jinheying@mail.sciencep.com

(Release date: July 9, 2024)